Re: [SLUG-POL] open source projects for national security?

From: Bryan-TheBS-Smith (
Date: Sat Oct 13 2001 - 22:55:42 EDT

Paul M Foster wrote:
> My view is that if you want the rights and privileges
> afforded citizens, learn the language and salute the flag.

The problem is that the immigration laws of this country are so
screwed up right now, good people can't get in.

> but I think that lessening the flow of people across our borders
> is a wise thing.

So we just stop the ones we know of, eh? There are still hundreds
of thousands of illegals who get in every year.

> America exists for the benefit of Americans, not foreigners.

But what are Americans??? Former foreigners!

> Really, though, this gets into the issue of profiling. I believe in
> profiling. Police and the FBI can't really do their jobs without
> profiling. It's difficult to track serial killers without profiling. The
> only people who bitch about profiling are people who are the "victims"
> of it. And those people, as a group, are the ones who commit the most
> crimes. Which is the reason why they are profiled in the first place.

The problem is that it quickly boils down to people not being able
to tell the difference between profiling and complete annoyance. If
the history of profiling has told us anything, it is a ripe avenue
for bigotry and unfair treatment of people.

As far as "those people, as a group, are the ones who commit the
most crimes," you might need to take a lesson in history on why.

> By all means, track Arabs coming into this country.

Why stop at Arabs? Com'mon dude.

> Arabs may complain, but it should be noted that for thousands of years
> the Arabs have fought amongst themselves, and now export terrorism
> globally.

I see a _lot_ of people exporting terrorism. Heck, I see a lot
domestically! Not many are Arabs.

Saying Arabs support terrorism is like saying Christians kill
abortion doctors.

> It is within the power of Arab states and Arab populations to
> eliminate this type of behavior.

Same thing with us and abortion doctor killing Christians.

> But they have chosen not to.

Bull! Some have been ignorant in their decisions, but so have we in
many areas. You are making a complex issue into a simple black and
white one it is not.

Besides, the nation of Israel needs to stop creating some of it as

> Now, their populations suffer because of it. So be it.

No, *NOT* so be it! Don't be so ignorant.

> I am not against Arabs or Islam in any way. But these countries and
> regimes have allowed this behavior to flourish, and even encouraged it.

And we have not done the same in other regards???

> The time to atone for this sin is upon them. All these countries have
> families whose members have gone off to learn terrorism.

Oh get off it. The percentage is so small dude.

> But the families have chosen to stand by and do nothing. Rather than
> turn their own family members in, they have remained silent. And
> their governments have been willing accomplices.

Don't lump all governments and organizations of the Islamic faith
into the same category as the Taliban. Allah knows the Taliban is
largely disliked by the great majority of other Muslim states,
especially Iran.

> How long can you do such things and expect not to be punished? They
> simply had the misfortune to pick a fight with the most powerful country
> in the history of this planet. Poor judgment. As a result, their people
> in this country may be tracked, detained and questioned. I have no
> sympathy, so long as innocent Arabs are not actually _persecuted_. They
> have brought this upon themselves.

No, an extremely small percentage of a culture has done a horrendous
act. People like you return the act by labelling them all of the
same. Understand that the Taliban _stands_alone_ in the Muslim

> We stand as a beacon of freedom in a world which is not. Whether the
> world likes to admit it or not, they would suffer immeasurably if it
> were not so. As a result, we must protect this land and its ideals.
> Perhaps to the detriment to some who are not citizens. It is the price
> they and we must pay.

And we will reap what we sow in our ignorance. We have already
turned this country into a protectionalist state, where only the
criminals can enter.

> By the way, this _is_ a war. While the ideals and principles that make
> America great are still operative in times like this, the rules change a
> bit during wars. We need to be mindful of that.

Like the war on drugs? Crime?

-- TheBS

Bryan "TheBS" Smith    chat:thebs413
Engineer   AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.
President    SmithConcepts, Inc.
Those living in the US who consider the American flag to be a sym-
bol of oppression obviously fail to understand what the word means

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