Re: [SLUG-POL] Muslims/Christians

From: Bryan-TheBS-Smith (
Date: Wed Oct 17 2001 - 19:10:20 EDT

Paul M Foster wrote:
> Oh my gosh, where do you get this stuff? "We" is who? How widespread is
> this practice by thousand births? Where are the DNA profiles kept? Who's
> analyzing them?

My wife's a teacher. I believe there was an article on identifying
potential ADD and violent children in the latest NEA mag (yeah, she
hates them too, but the insurance is why she belongs). Lots of
interesting case studies going on. Lots of funds being pumped into
the research as well.

> Absolutely correct. A statement you'll have to take on faith:
> DNA has zero to do with behavior.

Well, I don't know about that. Some people have to struggle because
of their physical deficiencies.

> Yes, it is long-term study of behavior. But the FBI calls it profiling.

Well, then I'll accept the redefinition. I'll admit, I'm looking at
the popular media interpretation. Sorry about that.

> In fact, my uncle-in-law was one of the first guys at the FBI to come up
> with this stuff (Kenneth Baker, in case anyone cares).


> Many of you are wrong. The media just fans the flames which are started
> by Jesse Jackson, Kwiesi Mfume, and the other bigots who try to rally
> the black population. I think MLK had a good idea, and that time period
> produced more lasting changes for the blacks than the end of the civil
> war. But this new crop of black bigots only assist in further enslaving
> blacks.

Well, if you look at Jesse, he was quite different 20 years ago.
Maybe its the pressure to change? If MLK (one of the greatest men
who ever lived IMHO) was still around, do you think he would have
been pressured to move to the preferential treatment view?

-- TheBS

Bryan "TheBS" Smith   chat:thebs413
Engineer  AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.
President     SmithConcepts, Inc.
The US National ID is an enhanced Social Security Number.  It
will give those who abuse it more information than ever before.
And just like the SSN, they will ignore all the regulations.

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