[SLUG-POL] top posting

From: Larry Brown (larry.brown@dimensionnetworks.com)
Date: Mon Jul 05 2004 - 22:50:30 EDT

Now to ruin any possibility of being taken seriously on this list...

Why is it that people are so adamant about having people not top post?
People say it is the most annoying thing for them. I think it is much
better than the bottom posting. I suppose if I skipped around a lot and
did not follow the threads I'm interested in, I might not feel this
way. Truth is, if I'm following a thread, I already know what the
previous posts where and am only interested in the current postings
view/input. Grant it I would much prefer previous posts being broken up
into splices and comments made on each point the previous person made,
but this takes a lot of time and I can understand why people might not
want to go through the trouble. However, I find it annoying to have to
page through previous posts information to get down to the meat of the
current post. I'd rather have previous posts at the bottom where I
could read them if I didn't know what the current posting was referring
to. (which would only happen the first time I started reading a

Sorry to go on about this, but I just can't believe I'm the only person
who prefers top posting. So someone... please make me a believer or
prove the "accepted reader's disgust of top posting" to be in error.


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