Larry Brown wrote:
> Sorry to go on about this, but I just can't believe I'm the only person
> who prefers top posting. So someone... please make me a believer or
> prove the "accepted reader's disgust of top posting" to be in error.
Ok, Larry, I'll join you and we will get flamed together. I've always
preferred when others top posted. Two very simple reasons:
a) I follow the threads (at least the ones that interest me) as they
are posted. I don't need to scroll down through a message that I just
read a couple of hours ago.
b) I have my email client set up with a large preview window. There
are approximately the top 16 or 17 lines of the message showing in the
preview window. When people top post, I don't have to scoll nor open
emails; I just click, click, click subject headings to hop from one
message to the next. Very fast and easy.
I will emphatically agree that others may read their email
differently, and they may have excellent reasons to prefer bottom
posting. A little bit of give and take on both sides would be the
answer, I think.
I also like inline-replies where you want to address point by point.
It depends on the circumstances.
Oh, BTW, the point that so often comes up in this debate: trimming
quoted messages. When I see bottom post replies where the replier has
left the entire *NKS blurb* in there--puleeze, you're wearing out my
scroll wheel.
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