> So, what's your favorite country, Levi, and please go live there.
In all fairness, governments have their good points and bad points.
I just hate this attitude that we seem to be infected with, that the
US has hands-down the best government in the world, and that
everyplace else is a third-world nation compared to here.
Particularly by people who have never been out of the country.
Interestingly, I find a smaller version of the same phenomenon occurs
in Texas. A vast number of people who have spent their entire lives
within the state are utterly convinced that there is nothing offered
by any other state of the union that cannot be found within its
borders, and God (the southern baptist christian God) help anyone who
suggests otherwise.
Oh, and governmentally, my favorite country is currently Sweden. I
will take under advisement your emigration request.
-- Tcsh: Now with higher FPS! http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/shouldbefree.html
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