Levi Bard wrote:
> Interestingly, I find a smaller version of the same phenomenon occurs
> in Texas. A vast number of people who have spent their entire lives
> within the state are utterly convinced that there is nothing offered
> by any other state of the union that cannot be found within its
> borders, and God (the southern baptist christian God) help anyone who
> suggests otherwise.
Damn right! If you grew up in Texas, you'd understand that innately!
In all seriousness, I grew up in Texas, and I know what you mean. These
days I look on it with a sort of font amusement. Truth be told, aside
from horrendous politics, California is a far better place to be. Texas
doesn't really have that much to recommend it, and yet the people who
live there believe it's two doors down from heaven. It's a mystery. I
think places develop a personality over time that's shared by the people
who live there. Africa's a fifth rate continent if there ever was one,
and it's reflected by the behavior of the people who live there, both
the warlords and the innocent victims. Texas, I suppose because it was
for a long time the largest state (and very rich for a time) developed
this "ten gallon attitude". I actually admire this. I admire anyone who
deeply loves the place where they live, be it Florida, Idaho, the U.S.
or France. I think this is as it should be.
-- Paul M. Foster
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