I use it on my laptop with RH7.1 and really like it. It's installer letsme
see easily what packages neeed to be updated and I feeel the whole interface
looks cleaner than regular gnome.
On Thursday 07 June 2001 22:30, you wrote:
> Well.. I ran xvidtune and it seemed to do the trick I have yet to return
> to Linux so I can't say if it's permanent :) I will let you know. But
> anyways.. I checked out the Ximian website and was wondering, has anyone
> tried Ximian? If so, what are your thoughts. How much different is it
> than from the vanilla version of GNOME. What are the positive points on
> Ximian and what are the negative aspects of it.
> Also, is it safe to run the online installer that Ximian can be
> installed from?
> Thanks...
> jason
-- SethI don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve immortality through not dying. -- Woody Allen
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