On Saturday 16 June 2001 03:30 pm, Jason Pratt wrote:
> Ok... what would cause my sound to all of the sudden stop working?
> I had to boot into Win2k and rebooted back into MDK and now my
> sound is not working.
> What would cause this?
Did you happen to use the Mandrake "Software Manager" and upgrade the
KDE arts sound server and multimedia libs??
As soon as I did the sound quit working after the next reboot. Well
at least in KDE. I haven't investigated it yet, but me thinks the
Mandrake team have bungled the upgrade rpms. I believe there is a
mismatch between arts and the kde multimedia libs. I think the
dependencies are somehow messed up. Upon a bit closer examination in
the software manager I see that it has listed both the "old" and
"new" versions of every rpm "upgrade" I have ever done. It shows both
as being installed. Hmmmmmm......very interresting.
This could require a good bit of work to get this mess straightened
out. The software manager wants to remove many dependent KDE rpms if
you try to remove either the newer OR older rpms.
Heck, a complete reinstall would be quicker and probably less
troublesome then trying to fix it. Well for me anyway.
So much for the Mandrake upgrade system.
-- R.G. Mayhue r.g.mayhue@verizon.net
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