Re: [SLUG] Ever heard of OpenNic?

From: Derek Glidden (
Date: Mon Jul 16 2001 - 12:42:14 EDT

Paul M Foster wrote:
> I suspect this is the reason. Naturally these guys are going to
> propagandize their viewpoint. OTOH, I don't know who makes up ICANN,
> what accountability they have, etc.

Very little to none in fact. Remember that Lily Tomlin routine, "We're
ICANN, we don't *have* to care!"

> I presume since they took this task
> away from Network Solutions/InterNIC, that they vested the power in an
> organization that the world would see as more neutral.

That was the plan, but of course it didn't work out that way.

> Particularly
> since the claim at the time was that InterNIC primarily served the
> interests of the United States.

And even more so since ICANN was formed in fact, since it consists
mainly of US-based tech company reps.

> But then again, I could be naive on this
> point.

Without sounding harsh, very much so...

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