Re: [SLUG] Video Card

From: Derek Glidden (
Date: Tue Jul 17 2001 - 11:55:05 EDT

Mark wrote:
> So, what's a decent video card, or what's better - a Voodoo5 5500 or a
> GeForce2 Pro

Under Linux, as much as I hate to admit it, the nVidia cards are really
the best performing cards. Unfortunately, the driver is closed-source
and I believe is the cause of my occasional (about once a week) "X
suddenly dies for no apparent reason" crashes I've been experiencing.
Kudos for nVidia for releasing a driver at all, but big giant BOOs to
them for keeping it closed, only updating it occasionally, and for not
really officially supporting it.

You could also try the ATI Radeon, which is supposed to be pretty hot
and the DRI drivers are open-source.

The Matrox G400 is extremely well supported, but in my experience, just
isn't all that fast.

The Voodoo cards are pretty much DOA now since nVidia bought out 3Dfx.
As soon as that happened, nVidia/3Dfx yanked the specs for all their
chips from the developers so no further development has really happened
for any of the Voodoo cards. The Voodoo5 is essentially two Voodoo4's
on a single board, but the specs were never released for driving both
chips at once, so if you use a Voodoo5 under Linux, it behaves exactly
like a Voodoo4. The Voodoo4 is adequate, and is generally more
consistent in rendering speed than the nVidia cards, but overall is a
slower chipset and the drivers have been somewhat problematic for me.

In any case other than nVidia (which doesn't use the DRI) it's very much
recommended that you grab the absolute latest XFree86 release, since the
4.1x series has re-written drivers for all (I think) the cards and a new
driver format which makes everything a bit faster.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

usage: qrpff 153 2 8 105 225 < /mnt/dvd/VOB_FILENAME \ | extract_mpeg2 | mpeg2dec -

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