Re: [SLUG] SLUG Site and Konqueror

From: Smitty (
Date: Thu Jul 19 2001 - 23:31:35 EDT

Paul, we are sluggers NOT slugs, for your edification.
As a slugger, I did not observe the phenomena you described below when using
the Konqueror browser, version 1.9.8

On Thursday 19 July 2001 22:10, you wrote:
> SLUGs:
> Someone has mentioned to me offlist that they have a very hard time with
> the SLUG site in Konqueror. From what I gather, it seems that pages
> require and unbelievable amount of scrolling to get to the end, with a
> lot of blank space on them.
> Can someone using Konqueror go look at the site and verify this? Please
> give your Konqueror version and precisely describe any anomalies.
> Paul

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