Re: [SLUG] SLUG Site and Konqueror

From: Paul M Foster (
Date: Sat Jul 21 2001 - 02:01:10 EDT

On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 06:30:12PM -0400, Paul M Foster wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 10:10:27PM -0400, Paul M Foster wrote:
> > SLUGs:
> >
> > Someone has mentioned to me offlist that they have a very hard time with
> > the SLUG site in Konqueror. From what I gather, it seems that pages
> > require and unbelievable amount of scrolling to get to the end, with a
> > lot of blank space on them.
> >
> > Can someone using Konqueror go look at the site and verify this? Please
> > give your Konqueror version and precisely describe any anomalies.
> >
> > Paul
> >
> Hmm, apparently there _is_ a problem with Konqueror, though one person
> mentioned no problem with his version. I've made some modifications to
> the homepage, and called the modified page index2.html. So those of you
> having a problem please go to:
> and see what happens. Let me know if the problems have gone away. And
> again, let me know what version of Konqueror you have.
> Paul

Alrighty then. I see what may be the problem(s). First, the raw HTML
pages for the SLUG site contain a great many newlines, because of the
way they are built. I'm guessing Konqueror has a problem with this
(though it shouldn't). Second, the SLUG site uses embedded stylesheets.
It's possible Konqueror has a problem with this as well, but it's less
likely that it would produce these effects. (Again, this is a deficiency
in Konqueror's HTML rendering engine.) The stylesheets are there
primarily to enforce sans serif text, since I believe this looks more
modern and easier to read on the web. However, even the Netscape I run
has problems with stylesheets, so I had to code around a lot of Netscape
deficiencies to make them work.

I just downloaded Opera, and I'll take a look at it there as well.
Opera's supposed to have a pretty standards-compliant renderer.

So.... It's going to take me a little bit to fix this for the whole
site. Fixing the newlines will be easy, and I'll probably make the
stylesheet external. I'll let you know when that's done, and you can go
test things again.


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