[SLUG] Re: Microsoft Independence

From: Paul M Foster (paulf@quillandmouse.com)
Date: Mon Jul 23 2001 - 18:42:24 EDT

False administrivia positive. (I used the home administrivia test. I'm
so happy!) ;-}

----- Forwarded message from slug@lists.nks.net -----

From: "edoc" <kd4e@arrl.net>
To: <slug@nks.net>
Subject: Re: Microsoft Independence
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 13:55:51 -0400

> The thing I find humorous about this conversation is that I've *never*
> been able to kill a print job under Windows. I open the little "printer
> manage" window thing and click on "C*ncel" and "Pause" and "Stop" and
> everything else and nothing seems to happen. I invariably wind up
> unplugging the printer until Windows decides it's done printing.

I must be missing something, killing a print job in M$ is easy. Double-
click on the printer icon, then select Printer, then select Purge Printer
Documents. History! Quick too.

Now this is using a Canon printer but I have seen something very
similar for most modern printers.

Now I cannot wait to be M$ free but still struggle with Linux (on the
rare occasion I have time to tinker with it). At the moment I am
trying to figure out why e-smith doesn't see either the M$ box nor the
Stormix laptop ... hmmmm.

:-) Doc

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