Re: [SLUG] Help , linux newby

From: Norbert Cartagena (
Date: Sun Jul 29 2001 - 16:31:04 EDT

> I attended the Sat. Dunedin meeting, and wanted to
> find a way to install linux on my laptop (but still
> keep my windows system until I learned some linux).
> Several members suggested I download Toms root
> boot at
> , which I understood would run
> linux
> from a floppy on my laptop without removing my
> windows
> system. Alas, I did download it and ran the
> floppy,
> but now I cannot boot to windows , even with the
> floppy
> removed. Does anyone have a suggestion how I can
> get
> my windows system running again on my laptop?

Ok, first of all, how is it you wanna learn Linux
here, hardcore (text only) or as a possible substitute
for Windows (GUI required)? If the latter, did anyone
suggest getting a distribution to simply partition
part of the Laptop's hard drive space? By the way,
could you give the specs on the laptop, even what
version of Windows you're running on it? I know off
the top of my head of 2 distros that'll do the
partitioning for you VERY cleanly and VERY simply
(Mandrake and SuSE being the only two I can think of
at the moment, though I'm sure this list will grow
through replies). This might be a better way to go
about it that Tom's Rootboot (nothing against Tom or
his distro, of course - look at my sig!), namely
because it'll give you the chance to try out most
Linux tools that indeed make it a viable alternative
as a every-day machine (namely all those pretty GUI
programs like GIMP, StarOffice and Mozilla). Also, you
can easily set up LILO to boot Windows (actually SuSE
and Mandrake (I think) will configure LILO to do that
from boot if they detect a windows partition), which
will help avoid problems like this.

By the way, have you tried a Windows Boot disk? And
can't you use the windows CD as a boot-assistance

I know I wasn't of direct help, but I certainly hope
that I could be of some help.


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