Re: [SLUG] Frank's Computer Networking Problems - Continued

From: Bill (
Date: Sun Sep 02 2001 - 22:38:46 EDT

On Sunday 02 September 2001 16:00, you wrote: > First, was I that off in the
find command? Are my waning > linux skills so impaired and diminished? I
could have sworn > that "find . -name wins.dat -print" is the correct syntax.
> Did I neglect to mention that the command should be run from / > ?

Yeah ... you skipped that part. :-) I gotta warn you ... I am a dangerous
computer user. I know just enough to get into trouble but not enough to
reliably get back out of it.

I've gone from being a clueless support nuisance to being a mis-clued support
nightmare. It's a phase ... a transition ... and I'll get over it. But, for
right now, I'm dangerous!

Anyway, the location should be "/var/lock/samba/wins.dat" > for most

I think I know what happened to the "find" command.

[root@a bill]# ls /var/lock/samba/ brlock.tdb locking.tdb ntdrivers.tdb browse.dat messages.tdb printing.tdb unexpected.tdb connections.tdb share_info.tdb

Well ... it AINT "wins.dat" but is this the file you were referring to?

[root@a bill]# cat /var/lock/samba/browse.dat
"@HOME" c0001000 "A" "@HOME"
"A" 40049a03 "Samba Server 2.2.0" "@HOME"
"CC289192-A" 40412003 "k7-800" "@HOME"

looks funky ... this is identifying the workgroup, the hosting Linux machine
and my wife's Win98 machine. It has not identified the VMware WIn98 install
on the hosting Linux machine which should be identified as "D" and was
installed with both host and bridged networking installed. Although the host
Linux box has now been up two weeks, the virtual Win98 has been bounced a few
times. (It is considered non-essential except as relates to two application

> > We are going to take a huge step back and return to basics. > Since I
have no intention of taking a trip to the all but > abandoned town of
Detroit, let's tear everything down and > build it back up :)

I dunno ... the Jazz festival is this week! (<grumble> ... can't plow the
snow off the streets ... or patrol them very well, either ... but can blow a
zillion dollars on fireworks and "name" entertainment. The choice was "bread
or circuses" ... and all the clowns voted. </grumble>)

> > Do the Windows boxes get their IP Addresses from a DHCP Server > or are
the addresses configured statically. If the address is > provided by a DHCP
server, is the DHCP server setting the node > type or specifying a scope ID?
To check to see if either of > those settings are set, run the command on the
Windows > machines "IPconfig /all" (winipcfg if 9x boxes) and look for >
"Node Type" or "scope ID". > > Make a note of what the Node Type is. It
should say either > "Broadcast" (0x1), "point-to-point" (0x2), "Hybrid"
(0x8), or > "Mixed" (0x4). What I expect to see is "Hybrid" (0x8) > because
we set up the linux box as a WINS server to cut down > on network traffic.

It is so. Hybrid is showing on box Win98 boxes (real and virtual). The box
for NetBIOS Scope ID is blank in both instances, also.

> > If you see a scope ID, this is the source of the problem.
> However, I do not expect this so let's move on :)
> > Now let's test your smb.conf file. Run the command "testparm"
> and pipe it to more or a file. Correct any errors.

Load smb config files from /etc/smb.conf Processing section
"[homes]" Global parameter dns proxy found in service section! <===
Processing section "[printers]"
Processing section
"[/var/www]" Loaded services file OK. Press enter to see a dump of your
service definitions

[root@a bill]# vi /etc/smb.conf
[root@a bill]#

dns proxy WAS "yes", NOW "no"

ran smbd restart
ran nmbd restart
        (not certain which controls what ... so I ran both)
> If you reached this point, we assume that
> > A) Your TCP/IP Settings on both your Windows and Linux Box are good. Same subnet, etc. Doublecheck for
> > B) You do not have a Scope ID screwing things up.
> > C) The Linux box is the WINS server for this subnet and the Windows boxes are configured
to use it. (i.e. the windows boxes are set up for Hybrid)
> > D) Your smb.conf file is clean
> > E) smbd and nmbd are running without errors.
Review your log files.

Both log.smbd and log.nmbd complained they were already running;
user "nobody" is bugging smbd(IIRC) and both of them are looking for a unicode map
they can not find.
> > Now let's check to see if the Linux box can see
the Windows > boxes. Use the command nmblookup. Refer to the man pages for >
the proper syntax. What you want to test is to see if the linux box can
resolve the NetBIOS name of the Windows boxes. Let's focus on this for now.
If this comes back successfully then we will work from there.

[root@a bill]# nmblookup -R CC289192-A querying CC289192-A on CC289192-A<00> <== found wife's machine

[root@a bill]# nmblookup -R querying on<00> <== found virtual machine

[root@a bill]# nmblookup -R querying on querying on name_query failed to
find name <== Samba host

[root@a bill]# nmblookup -R querying on querying on name_query failed to
find name <== 2nd Linux box [root@a bill]#

Good. It found both Win boxes and did not find either Linux box. I think this
was the expected behavior ... no? > > > > ------ Do not read this if you are
afraid of the registry > ------- This can be set from the registry by editing
the key > \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Para
>meters NodeType = REG_DWORD 0x00000008

I'm not afraid o' no stinkin' registry :-) but the above tree (Win98) appears to actually be:

There is, at present, no "NodeType". This leads me to ask whether you wish me
to modify a (non-existent) NodeType if it exists or to create a new one if
there is not one presently. Specifically, since there is no NetBT branching, is
InetInfo a proper alternative location?

There was a time when I had a handle on all things MSFT ... even taught it
... but I long ago just simply lost interest in it and have NOT done the
necessary homework to be mucking around in the registry. I am competent to
follow clear directions but I am also competent to recognize when my
understanding of the directions is unclear.

Oh ... and I very much want to thank you deeply for all the effort you are
putting into this. The pizza is in the mail.


-- icq # 126373831

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