Ah... Don't any of you young whipper-snappers remember good ol' fashion
UUCP -- a.k.a. Unix to Unix copy? Why, in the good ol' days(tm) we used
to use it to cattle drive them thar longhorn files all over the country
and across the room too. Gol-darn it!
Should work with just a NULL MODEM cable or adaptor. You can buy them
at most places that sell serial cable and adaptors or roll your own with
this info:
More complete serial info here: http://www.taltech.com/introserial.htm
and lots about UUCP here: http://www.uucp.org/
Most distros have uucp on the disk(s). Some install it as part of a
minimal base system.
Ed Centanni
Carson Wilcox wrote:
> I hope someone can help me with this.
> I have a desktop and a laptop and I'd like to find a
> simple way to transfer files between them. To be
> honest, I don't have the interest or desire to set up
> a network, all I really want is prehaps a way to send
> files for a serial link, is there a way I can do this?
> Thanks,
> Carson
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