Re: [SLUG] Re:

From: Mark (
Date: Fri Sep 14 2001 - 08:51:28 EDT

On Wed, 12 Sep 2001, SOTL wrote:

> On Wednesday 12 September 2001 10:00 pm, Rusty wrote:
> > Jeez, I just joined this list. I didn't read anywhere that this group had
> > a censor.
> This list has allways had a policy of Linux only related items.

And it is regularly violated as in the recent emails. [Note: I don't see a
problem with these being on the list just as I don't see a problem with
Andrew's original message being on this list] Yet no one garned a public
"take this off list" message like this latest thread.

I'm now going off list with this so I won't reply to anything sent to

Don't worry about it Andrew.

Subject: [SLUG] Fw: JOBS for hams. Please read and circulate
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Ever heard of OpenNic?
Subject: [SLUG] Something I got
Subject: [SLUG] Public hearing THURSDAY at 11:30AM on face scanning
         software in Ybor City
Subject: [SLUG] IMHO: Microsoft dropping java from WinXP
Subject: [SLUG] If Microsoft Built Automobiles...
Subject: [SLUG] just a snicker before bed
Subject: [SLUG] html/apache question
Subject: [SLUG] MCT Train-the-Trainer Course
Subject: [SLUG] Majestic from EA!!!
Subject: [SLUG] Out of Steve Ballmer's orifice
Subject: RE: [SLUG] Insight on Code Red II
Subject: Picard vs. Kirk was: [SLUG] Insight on Code Red II
Subject: Re: Live, from Norway, ... was: Re: [SLUG] Insight on Code Red II
Subject: [SLUG] Meeting with Microsoft
Subject: [SLUG] meeting bill gates
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Fwd: Question about alleged ms meeting

> That is why there is a monthly notice presenting the list's policies
> and why there is a political list where anything goes.

So why do you continue discussing the email on this list if you are so
adament about not having it here?

> Normally people on the list are relatively tolerant about what you may say
> but there are limits.
> One major limit is the discussion of policies where the author advocates
> the killing of kids because of the crimes of their parents.
> If such sick-os want to pursue such discussions there are other lists for
> that.
> If you and others want to transfer this list into that type of list I am out
> of here.
> If there is any further discussion of this subject - the killing of kids for
> the crimes of the parents or the justification of such as the above is -
> then my assumption is going to be that the sick-os have taken over and I am
> gone.
> If the above author did not realize that was the subject then they should
> read the original post.
> Frank

| Mark Bishop ( | Computer Engineer |
| 813.258.2390 | Network Engineer |
| | Embedded Programmer |

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