RE: [SLUG] Formating HD

From: Andrew Wyatt (
Date: Mon Sep 24 2001 - 14:25:17 EDT

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Grantham, Patrick" <>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 13:25:29 -0400

>3 clones box, all suse
> 2 amd 500mhz
> 1 dual p3 733
> primarily used as samba-nat domain controller/file servers
> clients are windoz (at least until i learn star office)

Nice :-) I wonder if there is a Microsoft office to x office migration help list, I bet I could get my wife to help out, she's an MS Office to staroffice/koffice/gnome office convert ;-) (I can possibly help out though my knowledge with any office type app is limited)


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Andrew Wyatt []
>Sent: None
>Subject: Re: [SLUG] Formating HD
>>I'm starting to wonder how many of us really use Linux here?
>1x Toshiba 4030CDT (RH)
>1x Thinkpad 760XL (RH)
>2x "Whitebox" Systems (RH)
>1x HP Apollo 725/125 PA-RISC (DEB)(Not on the Fast-n-Wide though :-( )
>2x HP Vectra XU Dual 133's (RH)
>That's a partial list at home..
>(There is a HUGE number of now retired machines.. 760EL, Contura 410CX 2x
>420c 430CX, Digital Hinote 5120 and 5150, Tricord M300, AT&T StarServer, etc
>wait, to answer your question..
>I use Linux ;-)
>cat MCSE | sed s/MCSE/RHCE/g>MCSE && kill -9 `ps -ef | grep MSFT | awk
>'{print $2}'` && mail -s "Another one bites the dust"
>Version: 3.1
>GAT d+@ s+ a- C++++ ULBH++++$ P++++$ L++++$ E--- W+++ N+++ o+++ K- w---$ O
>M+ V- PS-- PE+ Y- PGP- t+++@ 5- X++ R* tv-- b++++ DI+++ D++ G++ e* h++ r+++
>------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------

cat MCSE | sed s/MCSE/RHCE/g>MCSE && kill -9 `ps -ef | grep MSFT | awk '{print $2}'` && mail -s "Another one bites the dust"

-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GAT d+@ s+ a- C++++ ULBH++++$ P++++$ L++++$ E--- W+++ N+++ o+++ K- w---$ O M+ V- PS-- PE+ Y- PGP- t+++@ 5- X++ R* tv-- b++++ DI+++ D++ G++ e* h++ r+++ z** ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------


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