On Mon, 1 Oct 2001, Ron KA4INM Youvan wrote:
> Hi all:
> > Ron KA4INM Youvan wrote: (that's me)
> > > Anybody know of a RAM disk program that I can use to pre-cash
> > > stuff I am playing ?
> SB live value using :
> 2.2.16, 2.2.19, 2.4.5 which is broken IMMHO, took me 4 hours
> to recover my 40 gig /hda1 after a lockup, get 2 or 3 a day,
> I will return to 2.2.19 ASAP.
> Playing .wav, and/or .mp3's with everything I have.
> (a nice of -20 helps but I can not have any disk activity
> while playing or recording a .wav file or I get skips.
> (both Slackware 7.1 and 8.0, with a 266 mHz/64 meg and
> 1 gig AMD/1 gig of DDR ram) Becoming disillusioned with
> LINUX. (been 100% LINUX since June 1998)
> BTW changing mommy boards/CPU/RAM only made a slight
> improvement in a few operations, compiling was the only
> noticeable speed improvement I could sense, when changed
> from 2.2.19 to 2.4.5 everything now takes 1/4 of the
> previous time, boot up is 1/2 a minute less time, things
> fly by, too bad it locks up and so very often too.
> I also had my very first core dump with LINUX on the screen,
> said: the kernel has made a memory allocation out of range
> (gave a multi-digit address) said core dump, had all
> registers shown, full screen of stuff, modem stopped dead,
> keyboard dead, looked to me like OS dead.
2.4.5 was not really that great of a kernel build.. if you want to try a
2.4.x kernel the 2.4.9-ac16[17|18] have had good reports and seem to have
better VM/swap performance.. What kind of worload do you normally have?? I
play mp3s along with doing other stuff all the time on a PII 400/385MB ram
system all the time..
(2.4.10-ac1 is out but I haven't seen a lot of user comments about it
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