Seth Hollen wrote:
> Yesterday I was talking with a friend about paying a company to back up his
> data offsite through the net. But the cost was going to be a couple thousand
> dollars.
> Then it hit me! Host it at his house. He has a cable internetc onnection, the
> office has DSL, and the server runs Redhat! I'm goning to take an older PC
> from his office and put a larger hard drive on it and redhat. Then I want to
> use rsync to keep a perfect copy of the hard drive at his house.
> What do you think? I figure a simple script would do it.
> Anyone see any downsides to it?
Nope. I do it all the time. Here are a couple of things to think
1) do the initial backup on the local LAN so you don't try to xfer gigs
of data across that DSL line. It'll be faster to backup locally, then
stick the machine in your car and drive it to its final destination.
(Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon filled with
tapes... :) From then on, rsync should only have to transfer a little
bit of data on a daily basis.
2) Try to keep enough disk space to do backup rotations. You don't want
to do the nightly backup, overwriting the previous backup, and the next
day have someone call and say, "Our servers crashed last night and we
lost all our data. We need to restore from backup." and find out your
backup now consists of corrupted data.
I also periodically back up my backup directories to tapes, just in
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