> I have found suse "easiest" to come up to speed on learning how to
> install//admin/use. I am sure there are success stories out there with
> other distros, but none of the others seem to be a comprehensive for the
> newbie.
I've had some good experiences with SuSE. The only reasons I haven't
switched to it from Mandrake are:
1) Accustomed to Mandrake quirks
2) Don't like SuSE default menu structure much
3) Don't like SusE default "one big partition."
I've learned how to mess with KDE menus, so that's no longer a big deal.
YaST has gotten really good, and SuSE's servers (for updates) are mucho
better than Mandrake's random mirrors, so this is a big attraction.
But with Mandrake root/swap/home partition scheme I can update or
reinstall all my software and not lose an ounce of my data or settings,
which is very cool/easy/safe. Is there a way I can do something similar
in SuSE? I have not found an obvious way to keep my current partition
structure in YaST. Is it possible to change from Mandrake to SuSE and
preserve all my files, settings, bookmarks, etc.?
I am also worried about wavelan driver support. WaveLan and other
popular 802.11b cards work with no fuss, autodetected, in Mandrake. In
Third worry is that I am dangerous as root. I am a screwup. I am scared
that I will wipe out everything on my hard drive if I deviate even one
bitt from the few things I know about Mandrake. I would need some
hand-holding to get through this... at a meeting? At the show next week?
I'm willing to try...
- Robin
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