Re: [SLUG] I'm down (beating the horse dead with a near ... ack, nevermind!)

From: Bpreece (
Date: Mon Oct 22 2001 - 22:33:08 EDT

>Should I appologize again? Or are you'all done?

>Let's see here ... you'all like to pat each other on the back while
>others accuse me of pulling my answers out of Google.

>Yeah, that's the 'tudes I'm looking for.
>Yes I have a 'tude of
>sort, but if you understand that I spend most of my time helping
>people and dispelling the FUD of people who largely use Windows on
>LUG lists, you'd have the some viewpoints too.

I think first it would be best if we can loose the tude.

 Any chance of this thing

yes when you


P..S. as our S.L.U.G. President PF and one of our Officers Gnorb
mentioned I to Agree with them as being a Officer my self.
Any further comments the politics list is the one you want.
Flame, bicker, blow off steam or what ever else you may want to add.


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