Re: [SLUG] Net Hardware questions

From: Russell Hires (
Date: Mon Oct 22 2001 - 23:44:41 EDT

Thanks for this reply...
On Sunday 21 October 2001 18:29, you wrote:
> Russell, I just did a quick (very quick) look and it appears that ipddp0
> has to do with an appletalk device.
Where'd you look to find this out?
> Your network settings will be in /etc/network/interfaces
This is the part that confuses me. I don't see "eth0" in there anywhere.
Where else could it come from? And how does the OS know to call the second
ethernet card "eth1"?

> If a module needs things listed such as io ports, an irq, etc. it should be
> in a small file in /etc/modutils
Which small file? I've got several in there. Among them is "aliases", which
contains the rather confusing instruction to uncomment protocols you don't
want to use...this is totally backwards from most things linux.

> In Debian, you run update-modules to change the modules.conf file, using
> the setup files created above
> scott
Thanks scott, 'preciate the help!


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