Re: [SLUG] Net Hardware questions

From: Scott Piper (
Date: Sun Oct 21 2001 - 18:29:45 EDT

Russell, I just did a quick (very quick) look and it appears that ipddp0 has to
do with an appletalk device.

Your network settings will be in /etc/network/interfaces

Your loaded modules can be seen with /sbin/lsmod

The modules to load at boot up are in /etc/modules

If a module needs things listed such as io ports, an irq, etc. it should be in a
small file in /etc/modutils

In Debian, you run update-modules to change the modules.conf file, using the
setup files created above


Russell Hires wrote:

> Hello everyone!
> I've got a great puzzle for you: I'm getting my "zoo" finally put together
> (this is new tech lingo for me, and if it is for you, then a zoo is simply a
> small network of computers in your home...I've got 5, for instance) connected
> via a 3com Superstack II PS Hub 40 ethernet hub (I got the hub on the cheap
> from work).
> My problem at the moment is my P133. It's got a 3com etherlink III PCI
> ethernet card, which I know there's kernel drivers for, but for some reason
> Debian recognizes this card as "ipddp0" rather than "eth0". Why is that?
> It also says that the "Link encap" is "UNSPEC". What does this mean? That I
> don't have the proper modules in place to recognize the card?
> I'm lost about this, really. I'm looking for information on where eth0 and/or
> ipddp0 live. I checked a few places, especially ones mentioned in this list
> by Brian The-BS Smith (back in late september), but saw nothing like I
> wanted. I even checked my main working system and there's nothing like I want
> to find there, either. In fact, I moved this card from the P133 to my
> PowerMac, and Linux recognized it just fine. I'm running Debian on all of my
> systems, which is part of why I'm puzzled. (The Mac OS didn't, interestingly
> enough) It seems that my PowerMac "knew" to give the second ethernet card the
> ID of eth1. Or at least, it didn't complain when I did. But the P133 didn't...
> Thanks for the help!
> Russell H

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