Re: [SLUG] I'm down (beating the horse dead with a near ... ack, nevermind!)

From: Bryan-TheBS-Smith (
Date: Tue Oct 23 2001 - 00:20:40 EDT

Bpreece wrote:
> yes when you DROP IT!

I appologized. I was wrong. I'm sorry. Yet we have 1, 2, 3 posts

You know what, I don't see anyone returning the favors here. Let
alone we've got people bitching about my posting length, grammar,
and accusing me of pulling my URLs out of Google.

I'm outta here. Not worth my bother. I've got drivers to hack.
And some of you wonder why Linux developers don't listen? Duh!


-- TheBS

P.S. Why don't you bigots go look at my resume while you circle
jerk, okay?

Bryan "TheBS" Smith    chat:thebs413
Engineer   AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.
President    SmithConcepts, Inc.
Those living in the US who consider the American flag to be a sym-
bol of oppression obviously fail to understand what the word means

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