Re: [SLUG] Second of a Dozen Problems

From: Andrew Wyatt (
Date: Wed Oct 24 2001 - 12:12:11 EDT

Very cool, thanks for your input!! :-) I am actually looking at the Olympus C-2040 Zoom. From looking at your stills, I can already tell that it will be 100 times better than the kodak. The 2040 is also supported via USB with gphoto2 which is a nice bonus! haha

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Derek Glidden <>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 11:51:16 -0400

>Andrew Wyatt wrote:
>> Are you happy with your Olympus camera? We recently lost our Sony Mavica (Floppy
> drive broke, I'm still looking for the replacement parts) so I
>purchased (then
> returned) a Kodak DX-3500 as a replacement for the Sony. It was a hunk
>of junk LOL!
> It took the worst quality picture I have ever seen. We are now looking
>to settle on
> Olympus ourselves, but we haven't ever actually talked to anyone that
>owned one.
>I have an olympus D-460 Zoom that I'm pretty happy with. If you saw any
>of the CTS expo photos ( I took from the earlier
>expo, those were all done with this camera. It has some problems in
>low-light, so some of those shots are blurry because I was still trying
>to get used to it and hadn't learned you *always* use the flash unless
>you're outside.
>(Here are more photos I've taken with this camera recently:
> Once again though, the
>first few were taken at dusk, where it was just too dark for the camera
>to get a good image, so they're a bit blurry. The others came out very
>nicely though.)
>The images are sharp (when you use the flash :) and good color. It uses
>smartmedia cards so it's cheap enough to get a 64MB card and store ~140
>photos on it then transfer with either a PCMCIA or USB adapter. Which
>is what you absolutely want to do because this camera only has a serial
>interface and you DON'T want to download all those photos over serial!
>It has decent battery life but, like so many current digital devices,
>doesn't like rechargables. I can only get a few dozen shots with
>rechargables, either the Alkaline variety or NiMH. So batteries can get
>expensive. (The conspiracy theorist in me sees this as being perfectly
>reasonable, since obviously battery companies pay electronics firms to
>build power circuits that don't work well with rechargables...)
>The zoom is virtually useless, but it has a nice Macro feature (I can
>get within about 8" or so of the subject and still get a nice clear
>shot) and also has the ability to take up to 15 seconds of Quicktime
>movies (no sound of course) that can even be played under Linux with
>xmovie. It's got a couple of other bells that I rarely use, but they're
>things like exposure bracketing and some nicer "real" photographic
>extras rather than useless extra features.
>Like every digital camera I've seen, it's not very "fast." Like I said,
>without the flash, it's not going to give good shots unless you're
>outside under fairly bright sun. I have never used any other digital
>cameras though, so I don't know if this misfeature is particular to this
>camera, the Olympus brand, or just a side-effect of the very slow
>(photographically speaking) CCDs that the cameras use.
>It's biggest selling point is price. I've seen it for ~$300 lately (I
>think I paid about $350 for it a few months ago) and I've seen very few
>digital cameras at that price point that compare. (Sure the expensive
>Nikon ones rock, but you can buy three of these cheapies for one nice
>Nikon digital...)
>Overall I'm pretty happy with it, particularly considering how much I
>paid for it.
>#!/usr/bin/perl -w
>usage: qrpff 153 2 8 105 225 < /mnt/dvd/VOB_FILENAME \
> | extract_mpeg2 | mpeg2dec -

cat MCSE | sed s/MCSE/RHCE/g>MCSE && kill -9 `ps -ef | grep MSFT | awk '{print $2}'` && mail -s "Another one bites the dust"

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