[SLUG] Second of a Dozen Problems

From: Bob Stia (rnr@sanctum.com)
Date: Wed Oct 24 2001 - 14:38:09 EDT

Hello Sluggers,

I know you all have been waiting in great anticipation for the 2nd question,
Well.......Here it is ......Easy one though........Tougher ones come later.

I need a good graphics viewer, preferably one that I can use under KDE.
Just a viewer, one that I can load all of my pics from the last family
reunion or birthday party and run them as a slide show for my wife and

KDE's Image Viewer is horrible. Won't allow multiple loads, etc.

Prefer not to use a program like Gimp. That is overkill.

I see also that a program called ImageMagick is loaded on my system.
Is that a viewer or just some type of support program? Anyway, I cannot
call it up and start it no mater what combinations I type in the command

Suggestions ? Advice ?


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