---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Robin Miller <robin@roblimo.com>
Reply-To: slug@nks.net
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 08:38:39 -0400
>Norbert Cartagena wrote:
>> > I need a good graphics viewer, preferably one that I
>> > can use under KDE.
>> > Just a viewer, one that I can load all of my pics
>> > from the last family
>> > reunion or birthday party and run them as a slide
>> > show for my wife and
>> > family.
>StarOffice does all of this just fine, without a thought. In KDE.
>However, I prefer GPhoto for extracting pics from my (Olympus) digital
>camera. Although I don't use Gnome as my desktop, I keep the Gnome
>libraries on my hard drive and use many Gnome-based programs. It is very
>easy to add links to Gnome software to a KDE desktop or panel.
Are you happy with your Olympus camera? We recently lost our Sony Mavica (Floppy drive broke, I'm still looking for the replacement parts) so I purchased (then returned) a Kodak DX-3500 as a replacement for the Sony. It was a hunk of junk LOL! It took the worst quality picture I have ever seen. We are now looking to settle on Olympus ourselves, but we haven't ever actually talked to anyone that owned one.
>- Robin
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