[SLUG] Olympus Dogital Camera

From: Bob Stia (rnr@sanctum.com)
Date: Thu Oct 25 2001 - 13:22:57 EDT

Fellow Sluggers,

Don't now how Second of a dozen questions got changed to this subject. but::

I LOVE my Olympus C2040 zoom. It is USB, works great with Linux. (except
that I have to be root for the USB - which is a future ? of a dozen

Used to own a D320 (no zoom - serial port) It was a pretty good camera but
had some of the lighting problems described in another post. Gave that one
to my daughter and she uses it constantly for pics of the grandkids etc.
which she sends me by e-mail

I use the new one for pics of auto racing, aerial photos, etc. It just works
great. Sharp bright fotos with really good color.It does eat up batteries,
especially if you are zooming in and out all of the time. I use rechargeables
and just keep a fresh set charged all of the time. The optical zoom is
excellent and the electronic degrades the foto a little but still produces a
very nice foto. It has a tremendous amount of features which would satisfy
any photography buff but is not really necessary to use except for special
applications. The menu is complicated and you will spend a few hours with
the instruction book to do anything special or unusual.

If you would like to see some examples of fotos taken by this camera visit
my web page www.hiddenlake.net Most of the fotos there were taken with this
camera. (There are a couple of pretty mediocre ones supplied by someone else
that I am gonna redo myself as soon as I get a chance.)

Bob S.

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