On Wednesday 24 October 2001 01:11 pm, you wrote:
> Hi bob,
> How about you try this, take every card out of your computer that you
> do not need for booting the linux software and booting linux after checking
> the time. Maybe there is a spurious interrupt that windows ignores that
> linux does not. This spurious interrupt could be causing the problem of
> time. By the way does the date change also. bob
> Bob Stia wrote:
> > Hello Sluggers,
> >
> > Am still fighting my time problem. (snip my own suff for brevity)
Hmmmmm....... I guess I could try that in a day or so when I have time to open
the box. Never thought about that because prviously I started out with RH 6.0
when it first came out and was not a problem all the time I used and upgraded
Date does change. Reviewing my logs I see that if the hwclock gets too far
behind it shows the previous date. When it jumps ahead far enough it shows
the following date. (Hmmmm... got myself a time machine here)
Will try what you suggested and report back in a couple of days.
Bob S.
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