Re: [SLUG] Who is running StarOffice 6.0?

From: Ronan Heffernan (
Date: Sun Nov 04 2001 - 14:27:52 EST

What I want to do is set up SO from root and then use it as
a user. According to the instructions in the pdf file that is done
doning ./setup -net
But from what I set when you invoke the .bin file it goes through
and does the whole set up. I do not see where you get a chance
to do the setup -net command.

Try using the full name of that binary, in place of "setup" ie as root:
   ./so-6_0-beta-bin-linux-en.bin -net

I am running 6.0 Beta, but I didn't want to install it system-wide until I had a chance to test it. It is great.


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