I already replied to him off list but I thought this might make a good post.
If you forget something that can be compiled in as a module, use your
existing config (usually I just run
'make menuconfig'
-- it reads & loads the existing.config file). Then, do a (this is what I
forgot to tell you, dad...) 'make dep'. You shouldn't need to do a 'make
clean' unless there is some compelling reason to do so. Once that's done, do
'make modules modules_install'
to compile and install all the modules. Doing it this way makes it easy to
compile the module without remembering what compiler switches to use, etc. It
only works for those modules that are distributed with the kernel and have
entries in the config and make files.
Once that's done, copy your System.map file into /boot. I can't remember if
this is necessary, but the modules may have added some symbols to it.
Except for that last part which I always forget to do, this works.
On Monday 05 November 2001 11:33, you wrote:
> but I sure can't remember it!
> In re-compiling an existing kernel to include a previously neglected
> feature, how do I use the new config file and not the old one?
> I left out RTC in my first compile. VMware insists on having access to
> /dev/rtc in order to display menus, etc. Otherwise it runs abominably
> slowly and does indecencies with the clock.
> This is messing me over with Cisco Academy which already takes a LOT of
> time ... the slowness right now is probably tripling the time involved. I
> gotta get this fixed NOW!
> I seem to recall it is a "make somecommand" but am totally baffled what
> that command might be. I will keep rooting for it myself but I wanted to
> get this plea for help out on the wire ASAP, too.
> Bill
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