[SLUG] I know the answer

From: Bill (selinux@home.com)
Date: Mon Nov 05 2001 - 11:33:42 EST

but I sure can't remember it!

In re-compiling an existing kernel to include a previously neglected
feature, how do I use the new config file and not the old one?

I left out RTC in my first compile. VMware insists on having access to
/dev/rtc in order to display menus, etc. Otherwise it runs abominably
slowly and does indecencies with the clock.

This is messing me over with Cisco Academy which already takes a LOT of
time ... the slowness right now is probably tripling the time involved. I
gotta get this fixed NOW!

I seem to recall it is a "make somecommand" but am totally baffled what
that command might be. I will keep rooting for it myself but I wanted to
get this plea for help out on the wire ASAP, too.


icq #126373831 http://www.anhonestdesire.com
Linux a.genesis.com 2.4.12 #2 Wed Oct 17 04:17:02 EDT 2001 i686 unknown

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