Close all of your apps except a terminal then:
cd ~
mkdir naut_old
mv .nauti* naut_old
mv nauti* naut_old
Start gnome again, and see if the issue is resolved.
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Jon Maguire <>
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 15:49:03 -0500
>Thanks to all who replied. I followed the instructions below, and installed
>Ximian Gnome. Installation proceeded without error. On the first reboot, I
>get the desktop. However, I get 4 messages "The HELP sidebar panel
>encountered an error and can't continue. If this keeps happening you might
>want to turn the panel off." This is repeated for HISTORY NEWS and NOTES.
>After clicking OK on all 4 messages, I get the desktop, and stuff seems to
>work. Any idea why I get those messages. Thanks again for any assistance.
>At 08:33 PM 11/19/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>>To install ximian, drop to a shell, "mv ~/.gnome to ~/.gnome_old" then
>>"lynx --source | sh" to begin the installation. :-)
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: <>
>>To: <>
>>Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 7:58 PM
>>Subject: Re: [SLUG] Gnome Problem
>> > If you [[ [ctrl] - left click ]], do you get a menu?
>> > If not, I would reinstall GNOME. If you can, run lynx from the menu and
>> > install it directly from ximian ... Go to with a
>> > graphical web browser to get the instuctions on how to do this.
>> >
>> > Scot Mc Pherson
>> >
>Jon Maguire
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