[SLUG] FreeBSD vs. Linux

From: Justin Keyes (m9u35@yahoo.com)
Date: Thu Nov 22 2001 - 12:06:30 EST

Can anyone comment on this or verify or dispute this? (from:
http://movingparts.thelinuxcommunity.org/systems.shtml )

<snipped from page>
First, FreeBSD does a MUCH better job of handling memory-management than does Linux. What does
this mean? I've been running FreeBSD with apache/X/php4/netscape/etc. on my
work machine for a month now and I still have half of my RAM
free--and my swap partition is only 3% full. Now, on almost
exactly the same machine, I have had the same services running on
a Linux machine, and my RAM is 75% used up--but I also show having 50% of my swap partition used

Second, FreeBSD seems to do a much better job of hard drive
I/O handling. There is a noticeable difference between my laptop and my friend's laptop
(IDENTICAL laptops, mind you) with me running FreeBSD 4.1-STABLE and him running Linux 2.2.16,
when it comes to reading/writing large files, or large amounts of small files.
</snipped from page>



Justin Keyes

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