Re: Then why do we love Linux? (was: Re: [SLUG] Record uptime for Linux)

From: Smitty (
Date: Mon May 06 2002 - 13:48:03 EDT

On Monday 06 May 2002 00:28, you wrote:
> On Sun, 5 May 2002, Russell Hires wrote:
> > And thus my question. If *BSD is so good, why don't we all love *BSD? Is
> > it philosophical? Practical?
> >
> > What does Linux need to do better to get to be as good as *BSD?
> >
> > Russell
> >
> > PS I'm going with the hypothesis that this is true, that Linux isn't as
> > good as *BSD. I don't have any way of knowing...
> What does Linux need to do? Well, being about 20 years older would be a
> good start. :) BSD has roots closer to the original Bell Labs unix. The
> packet filtering code in OpenBSD is more mature than the good packet
> filter we finally got with the 2.4 kernel.

I presume you are speaking of the IPF firewall written by an austrailian
fellow whose name now escapes me. The OpenBSD team wrote a new firewall
called PF (packet filter) after the licensing dispute between Theo DeRaadt
and the IPF author did not get resolved. The code for PF has been around for
less than a year, but, as I understand, it is good code, and the firewall has
all the features of ipf.


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