Not to start a war but there of some of us in the LUG who are MCSE or
currently studying in school for it!
It does not mean that all can not tie their own shoes. Yes there is some who
take easy ways out of learning
but some of us also have knowledge and can answer things and fix problems.
How ever it does not mean that we prefer to be MCSE either, it is how ever
stuck in alot of Company I.T.
managments that it is something they should ask for! Just like Novell was
once a big thing till they found out
that you can use a dummies book and pass the test and soon the market got
flooded with CNE's.
How ever soon all I.T. fields get to a point to pass the test you can use
cram guides and use notes or even find
what to exactly study on various web sites or even new groups. I am sure too
before too long you will find that this
may happen to say RHCE!
Though I hope this doesn't happen rest assure something will come along to
make it easy for someone to fake it enough
to get by. So please stop and think some of them may know one thing but not
As for multiple answers questions well even some of them unless you actually
know they answer you can miss the question.
I agree to the point that it is ashame that many Companys feel you have to
present a piece of paper that says MCSE, CNE ,
Sometimes we also know things or study things that they bloat the person
with 90% of B.$. As in the Real world I like to call
it Things you never use! to make ther person Book Smart and at the same
time in the real world common sense stupid!
How ever I know many who do not have any Certs who are more skilled then the
ones who are as well. This is something
that will never change. It is ashame though that the ones who try to cram
and find easy ways to pass test do not take a few minutes
to actually study a little more and know why they should choose the answers.
I have seen some test though that the answers to the
questions can also be wrong though! It is a Human thing.
I think the best knowledge is learned hands on in the Real World in Real
Situations. How ever some bussinesses are to money tight to
let people do this. So they say show me a Cert so that they do not have to
take the time to show some one which to them is to Costly.
However you soon find you still have to show some things anyways to them.
-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Miller <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 9:46 AM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Jobs/FAQs
>On Mon, 2002-05-06 at 18:33, Paul M Foster wrote:
>> Just a note: A new job posting on the Jobs page and a couple of new FAQs
>> starring... tah dah... Ian Blenke!
>> Paul
>From the job posting:
>"Prefer UNIX and Linux certifications"
>I know too many "certified" IT people who can barely tie their own shoes
>-- can anyone say MCSE. I am personally turned off by any job that feels
>"certifications" are a viable means to judge ones' technical competence.
>Most certification tests consist of multiple choice; ergo all one needs
>to do is cram, memorize and otherwise force feed the study material, and
>"wah-lah" instant certification.
>::getting down off soapbox::
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