Re: [SLUG] Home Business Idea

From: Ronan Heffernan (
Date: Sat May 11 2002 - 07:55:58 EDT

Brigitte wrote:

> You need to give some thought to the fact that these are legal and
> confidential documents, and most law firms are very sensitive about how
> these documents are handled. Confidentiality would have to be addressed,
> especially if you're dealing with trial documents.
> Brigitte

I would think that all of the documents being requested from the Courthouse are
public record. Any confidential documents should never leave the lawyers hands
(never given to the Courthouse). Besides, if there are any documents that are
really confidential, the lawyer should be required to present herself at the
Courthouse and prove her identity. Remotely requesting confidential documents
is silly wihtout a secure infrastructure. How is confidentiality maintained if
the Courthouse is willing to FEDEX these documents to anyone who calls?


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