Re: [SLUG] cleaning a hard drive of GRUB

From: Derek Glidden (
Date: Wed May 22 2002 - 15:35:13 EDT

You can also do, from either a Linux install or from one of the many
Linux "emergency recovery" distros (like Tom's Rootboot or the Linux
Bootable Business Card or something like that):

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1000

Which would overwrite the first 1000 blocks of hda (change as
appropriate) which should completely blast out the boot blocks and
partition table.

On Wed, 2002-05-22 at 12:01, Patrick Grantham (at work) wrote:
> I'd use a low level formatter specific to the manuf. of the drive to zero
> fill the drive. I am sure there are others ways, though. Not very elegant,
> but I've used it many times,
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mikes work account" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 11:05 AM
> Subject: [SLUG] cleaning a hard drive of GRUB
> >
> > I have been told to change one of my Linux workstations to an NT
> workstation
> > for an additional employee. I have tried everything but each time I load
> NT
> > and reboot I get a GRUB> prompt. How in the world do I get rid of GRUB??
> >
> > I have formatted and deleted partitions for the past 3 hours with not
> > success in getting rid of that prompt.
> >
> > Michael C. Rock
> >

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

usage: qrpff 153 2 8 105 225 < /mnt/dvd/VOB_FILENAME \ | extract_mpeg2 | mpeg2dec -

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