Re: [SLUG] cleaning a hard drive of GRUB

From: Greg Schmidt (
Date: Thu May 23 2002 - 03:11:36 EDT

On Thu, 23 May 2002, Joe wrote:

> Oh another effective way is to go into debug from the dos command prompt and
> enter this series of commands:
> -F 220 L1000 0 (ENTER)
> -A CS: 100 (ENTER)
> MOV AX,301 (ENTER)
> MOV BX,200 (ENTER)
> MOV DX,80 (ENTER) <---"80" for hd1, "81" for hd2 >
> INT 13 (ENTER)
> INT 20 (ENTER)
> -G (ENTER)
> Reboot after doing this and reinstall NT you will no longer have grub.
> -Joe
> On Thursday 23 May 2002 11:05 am, you wrote:
> > I have been told to change one of my Linux workstations to an NT
> > workstation for an additional employee. I have tried everything but each
> > time I load NT and reboot I get a GRUB> prompt. How in the world do I get
> > rid of GRUB??
> >
> > I have formatted and deleted partitions for the past 3 hours with not
> > success in getting rid of that prompt.
> >
> > Michael C. Rock
So Micael C. Rock tossed us a bone. (Thanks Mike) What was it, a *DOZEN*
of us chimed right in with the fdisk /mbr?

I was thinking, "Oh cool, here's one where I might really be able to

But the real experts laid back, refusing to pounce until the moment was
ripe. :)

Derek dove in. dd ing bits over the begining of the drive. Yup, that
will do it. Linux-only solution too, gets bonus points!

But then Joe. 10 lines of debug commands!?!?! With a few useful comments
tossed in! Oh wow. It's not Linux, but I think it might win the award
for geekiest solution.

No offense to Mike, or Derek, or Joe, or any of my fdisk /mbr colleagues.
What the heck, if we didn't get a kick out of trying to help each other
here none of us would be reading this.

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