Ok I'll step the geekiness up a notch....
I dug up and old print out of another series of debug commands to do the same
Debug Enter Debug Comments
Prompts Commands
- A 100 Assemble from CS:0100.
nnnn:0100 INT 13 Call interrupt 13.
nnnn:0102 press the (nnnn in the segment address).
- RAX Replace AX register.
AX 0000
: 0301 Write on sector.
- RBX Replace BX register.
BX 0000
: 0200 Start from ES:200.
- F 200 L 200 0 We want to write zeros.
- RCX Replace CX register.
CX 0000
: 0001 Cylinder, 0, sector 1.
- RDX Replace DX register.
DX 0000
: 0080 First physical hard disk, head
0. (Substitute 0081 for this
entry if you are clearing the
table on the second physical
hard disk, 0082 if you are
clearing the third physical
hard disk, and so forth).
- P or G Proceed (Debug will display
several lines of information).
I know I have another printout with yet another way to skin this chicken
somewhere...If I find it I'll post it too!
On Thursday 23 May 2002 03:11 am, you wrote:
> On Thu, 23 May 2002, Joe wrote:
> > Oh another effective way is to go into debug from the dos command prompt
> > and enter this series of commands:
> > -F 220 L1000 0 (ENTER)
> > -A CS: 100 (ENTER)
> > MOV AX,301 (ENTER)
> > MOV BX,200 (ENTER)
> > MOV CX,1 (ENTER)
> > MOV DX,80 (ENTER) <---"80" for hd1, "81" for hd2 >
> > INT 13 (ENTER)
> > INT 20 (ENTER)
> > -G (ENTER)
> >
> > Reboot after doing this and reinstall NT you will no longer have grub.
> >
> > -Joe
> >
> > On Thursday 23 May 2002 11:05 am, you wrote:
> > > I have been told to change one of my Linux workstations to an NT
> > > workstation for an additional employee. I have tried everything but
> > > each time I load NT and reboot I get a GRUB> prompt. How in the world
> > > do I get rid of GRUB??
> > >
> > > I have formatted and deleted partitions for the past 3 hours with not
> > > success in getting rid of that prompt.
> > >
> > > Michael C. Rock
> So Micael C. Rock tossed us a bone. (Thanks Mike) What was it, a *DOZEN*
> of us chimed right in with the fdisk /mbr?
> I was thinking, "Oh cool, here's one where I might really be able to
> help."
> But the real experts laid back, refusing to pounce until the moment was
> ripe. :)
> Derek dove in. dd ing bits over the begining of the drive. Yup, that
> will do it. Linux-only solution too, gets bonus points!
> But then Joe. 10 lines of debug commands!?!?! With a few useful comments
> tossed in! Oh wow. It's not Linux, but I think it might win the award
> for geekiest solution.
> No offense to Mike, or Derek, or Joe, or any of my fdisk /mbr colleagues.
> What the heck, if we didn't get a kick out of trying to help each other
> here none of us would be reading this.
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