Yeah, I remember that, I think,, rings a bell somewhere. I may even
have the issue in question. The problem is finding it. Its burried
with old issues of Byte, Creative Computing and Popular Electronics. I
have shelves and shelves of them... One day when there is cheap storage
and good document management software I'm going to scan them all in, I
forget why now... Oh wait that's now! Lets see, if I give up sleep for
the next couple years, I might just have enough time to do it.. Or,
maybe I could get my son interested.
Any one want to help?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of Glen
> Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 6:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: [SLUG] *NOT LINUX RELATED* -- paper airplane?
> Hey all -- I'm looking for a paper airplane from a REALLY old
> copy of Omni
> magazine - in an issue from around '81 - '84. The thing could
> not stall, and
> would not crash into the ground no matter how hard you threw
> it (it was good
> enough to get a little attention from Los Alamos, I believe).
> My dad had a
> subscription way back when but I think those copies are long gone.
> Anybody here have any of those old issues, or remember the
> one I'm talking
> about?
> Glen
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