Glen wrote:
>Yeah.. I spent about 6 hours either looking for a searchable index of
>articles or somewhere with back issues, but the only complete collection I
>could find was the mid-manhattan branch of the NY public library. I think if
>someone got the gumption they could pretty simply create an article index of
>all periodicals published in the US. After all, I don't see a reason why the
>publishers wouldn't already have that information and want to share it. Such
>a person could make a fairly large sum of cash selling such a database ;)
>I'd help with the organization if I could, but I have no idea what my
>schedule for the next two years looks like. Maybe one day we could take a
>look at what it would really take just to organize them to make scanning
>easier... ?
> Glen
>On Tuesday 11 June 2002 09:15 pm, you wrote:
>>Yeah, I remember that, I think,, rings a bell somewhere. I may even
>>have the issue in question. The problem is finding it. Its burried
>>with old issues of Byte, Creative Computing and Popular Electronics. I
>>have shelves and shelves of them... One day when there is cheap storage
>>and good document management software I'm going to scan them all in, I
>>forget why now... Oh wait that's now! Lets see, if I give up sleep for
>>the next couple years, I might just have enough time to do it.. Or,
>>maybe I could get my son interested.
>>Any one want to help?
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: [] On Behalf Of Glen
>>>Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 6:12 PM
>>>Subject: [SLUG] *NOT LINUX RELATED* -- paper airplane?
>>>Hey all -- I'm looking for a paper airplane from a REALLY old
>>>copy of Omni
>>>magazine - in an issue from around '81 - '84. The thing could
>>>not stall, and
>>>would not crash into the ground no matter how hard you threw
>>>it (it was good
>>>enough to get a little attention from Los Alamos, I believe).
>>>My dad had a
>>>subscription way back when but I think those copies are long gone.
>>>Anybody here have any of those old issues, or remember the
>>>one I'm talking
>>> Glen
I hate to say this, but call a University or metropolitan library.
Then, call and see if they have Omni on microfiche or microfilm or on an
online articles reference DBMS they can access.... Also, try Periodicals
Index on Google, there are a couple companies that make money selling
indexes. So, if you wanted to build one, might be able to sell it to
them when done, or at least reproduction rights. Also, some mags use the
last annual issue for a small article index, in part.
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