Ok.....silly question time......I've been trying to ignore this thread
but this post got my attention.....since Linux itself is supposed to be
free, what's the big deal with unpaid for distros on new PCs? Or am I
reading this entire thing wrong?
Please, no flames---I'm just asking a silly question. :-)
Justin Keyes wrote:
>On 16 Jun 2002, Seth Hollen wrote:
>>one question to everyone... from what I am reading it sounds as if I
>>build a box and buy a copy of RETAIL REDHAT 7.3, say from bestbuy, and
>>install it, THEN sell it, I am breaking the law.
>>is this correct?
>NO! That's the whole point this guy is missing! He wants to sell comp's
>with _unpaid-for_ distros copied onto them!
>If you want to sell a computer legally, why not buy the OS?
>To the original complainer:
>Stop spreading _complete_FUD_! If you are selling the systems, you have
>to abide by the rules!
>And BTW, there's no way in hell it would be more expensive than an MS
>Justin Keyes / m9u35@yahoo.com
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