Re: [SLUG] School Project - Update - (RED HAT FANS...PLEASE READ THIS!!!!)

From: Ian C. Blenke (
Date: Tue Jun 18 2002 - 10:53:40 EDT

On Mon, 2002-06-17 at 22:26, Justin Keyes wrote:
> On 16 Jun 2002, Seth Hollen wrote:
> > one question to everyone... from what I am reading it sounds as if I
> > build a box and buy a copy of RETAIL REDHAT 7.3, say from bestbuy, and
> > install it, THEN sell it, I am breaking the law.
> > is this correct?
> >
> NO! That's the whole point this guy is missing! He wants to sell comp's
> with _unpaid-for_ distros copied onto them!

Actually, I'll bet that pre-packaging boxes with RedHat is rather

> If you want to sell a computer legally, why not buy the OS?

Or at least use a distro that is FREE (as in libre).
Debian fits this description.

Alien imports most every vendor RPM I've *needed* to install.

> To the original complainer:
> Stop spreading _complete_FUD_! If you are selling the systems, you have
> to abide by the rules!

It's true. Rules are a pain.

> And BTW, there's no way in hell it would be more expensive than an MS
> solution.

In for a penny in for a pound. The mere threat of a per-seat license for
the "Unified Linux" fiasco shows that vendors *want* to go to the
extreme the market will allow. Thankfully, they pushed the threshold of
pain and had to retract - but I would never put it past a corporation to
gouge customers for every penny they can.

The last distro I bought media for was Slackware (a Walnut Creek CDROM
from way back), years ago. Since then, I've burned/used ISOs for
personal use and told the customer to purchase their own copy if they
wish me to install it.

I don't call support. I don't need a manual. Why would I pay for GPLed
FREE (as in libre) software? The authors intended it for use by
everyone. Buying a distro just doesn't make sense to me.

- Ian C. Blenke <> <>

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