On Tue, 18 Jun 2002, Craig Zeigler wrote:
> I know this is a basic question, but I have an Abit KR7A-RAID board with
> an ATA133 Raid controller hosting 2 60GB IBM drives in a RAID-0. I also
> have an old Quantum Furball 10.2GB drive on the primary IDE channel.
> SuSE is installed on the 10GB, and Win2k on the RAID. SuSE was installed
> after Win2k, and the install picked up the win install. It also
> installed an option to boot Win2k into the lilo.conf, however it does
> not work. I changed the lilo.conf to reflect /dev/ataraid/d0p1 which was
> /dev/ataraid/d0 (d0p1 is where the boot drive lives), and it still will
> not start windows. I was hoping someone out there in penguin land had
> any ideas as I'm completely baffled.
> Thanx,
> Craig Zeigler
> craig@penguindevelopment.com
> Penguin Development, LLC
> 100 W. Venice Ave.
> Venice, FL 34285
> www.penguindevelopment.com
I seem to recall that LILO could have problems when both SCSI and IDE
disks were installed.
Don't know if you've seen this:
It might have something to help.
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