Re: [SLUG] Monitor Colors

From: steve (
Date: Sat Jun 22 2002 - 23:43:49 EDT

On Saturday 22 June 2002 22:37, Frank Roberts - SOTL wrote:
> The problem is that all whites on the monitor from initial boot through the
> GUI are yellow in color. Blue has disappeared.
> Several vidio cards have been in the system and each shows exactly the same
> problem.
> Is it possible that there is a voltage tap setting or such on the mother
> board or power supply that would create this effect?

With my 30 years in the biz of building/servicing systems I've never seen a
bad m/b do that. Just plug another power supply to it and you'll know for
sure. Have you tried another slot? (Donnow anything about your system.)

> Thanks
> Frank
> wsx



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