Re: [SLUG] Monitor Colors

From: John D. (
Date: Sun Jun 23 2002 - 07:00:54 EDT

> But first the items replaced include power supply, modem and vidio card.
> The problem is that all whites on the monitor from initial boot through the
> GUI are yellow in color. Blue has disappeared.
> The monitor was checked out with another computer system and appears to be
> functioning normally.
> Several vidio cards have been in the system and each shows exactly the same
> problem.
> Is it possible that there is a voltage tap setting or such on the mother board
> or power supply that would create this effect?
> Thanks
> Frank
> wsx
Well, if monitor checks out elsewhere, how about video card, and what
exactly are the power requirements of the video card??? If over 1.5
volts (or voltage feed compliant) and this particular motherboard is
feeding only 1.5 volts to AGP, then maybe the card is running an
ultra-warm looking color set out to the monitor-- in this case, things
would look like they were under a sodiom vapor light. Blue would be
present, but would be overshadowed by yellow-orange and could look light
purple to tan.

It is possible you got a damaged PSU, with an inability to feed enough 5
volt power??? Or an ATX that is not 2.03 compatible with a motherboard
that needs such??? That would drop the low-level voltage considerably,
as it probably would be underfeeding the motherboards low-voltage
control circuitry. Also, this is a weirdity, but should not let the box
even boot-- an input voltage mis-setting could cause a voltage drop
throughout the machine(see if the little red slider on the back of the
PSU is slightly out of place toward the 220 position).

One possibility set to triage\diagnose this is this:

swap in a PCI video card, see if the problem fixes itself. If yes, try a
different video card. If no, R&R the PSU or the motherboard, and see it
problem disappears. If still no R&R the remaining part of the two in the
previous sentence. Almost sure this is hardware, unless the monitor is
being undervoltaged at the outlet it is being plugged into sometimes, or
the linux settings have totally the wrong X driver running.


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