Re: [SLUG] Florida (?Tampa?) Power-outage occurance..

From: John D. (
Date: Wed Jun 26 2002 - 09:52:12 EDT

David Meyer wrote:

> Hey, I can sell you an APC unit as big as your car that would take care of
> that :)
>>>>(Four hr power outage beats 1 hr UPS.)
>>>What is the DEAL with the power outages around here?? I went for two
>>>whole years in Germany without one single power outage -- I've lived
>>>here for a little over three weeks and there have already been two, one
>>>that lasted for at least 5 hours. Are the power co. techs that
>>>incompetent or is the infrastructure that weak? I'd think that they
>>>would have found some way to protect the system from mother nature by
>>>Marc W.
>>>"Freedom as in Free Beer is what I'm after"

Um, for critical things the local hospitsl has UPSs that hold power
until generators(which are above most flood levels on the SECOND floor,
vented through an exterior block wall and housed in a block walled room
with rerod reinforcement and other hurricane resistance features that
are rated to a CAT4 hurricane-- and at a CAT2 warning they evac to the
EAST coast to a prtner hospital except for some triage folks) kick in,
for critical care stuff and core records computers and some designated
termainal\workstations for emergency lookups. My simpler setup at home
protects EVERYTHING from surges, but only thoroughly backs up the
computer itself right now-- for 20 minutes, after which it shuts itself

PS-- OT, but not really: I like Netscape 6.2.3 for Linux, I was able to
tell it to send only text or only HTML by domain and it now auto-opens
the right composition modules for the text-only feeds I reply on and
uses HTML for other folks. It gets along with RedHat better than 7.0 PR
1 did, looks like they retrofitted some things into the 6.2+ tree.
RedHat gets along with Sun Java 2 demonstrably much better than
Mandrake, so I will be using that for most things now.

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