RE: [SLUG] Browsing Windows from Linux - more

From: Clay, John (
Date: Wed Jul 31 2002 - 08:52:29 EDT

My win box can browse my samba box but I have no idea of how do make samba
browse win. Can anyone send me a copy of an smb.conf file that will enable a
samba box to browse a windows network?



-----Original Message-----
From: Paul M Foster []
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 7:08 PM
To: ' '
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Browsing Windows from Linux

On Tue, Jul 30, 2002 at 04:58:41PM -0400, Clay, John wrote:

> How, or what program, needs to be used to enable one to browse a Windows
> network from a Linux desktop?
> Thanks
> John Clay
> Tallahassee

Samba, properly configured. (It's that "properly configured" part
that'll get ya!) Actually, it's all in one file: /etc/smb.conf. Then you
start the daemon (script is in /etc/init.d, generally). There is also
an excellent troubleshooting guide in the Samba documentation called


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